Learn option trading from a market maker turned market taker! Market Taker Mentoring offers options coaching and a free options trader ebook by the author of Trading Option Greeks, Dan Passarelli. Click here to learn more.
Trading Option Greeks is an option trading book that arms readers with the knowledge they need to succeed in the highly competitive arena of option trading. This book was written for the budding professional trader and the sophisticated retail trader.
Trading Option Greeks discusses the impact that direction, time, volatility, interest rates, and dividends have on option prices from both an educational and practical perspective.Author Dan Passarelli draws on personal experiences from years as a professional trader. The reader of Trading Option Greeks gets an inside look into how a veteran trader trades options.
Trading Option Greeks discusses the complexities of options to give traders the knowledge they need to compete in today's trading environment.
Even the novice trader will be able to apply these concepts to basic option strategies helping the trader to avoid common pitfalls and increase profit potential.
With forward by William Brodsky, Chairman and CEO of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE), Trading Option Greeks is an education for all aspiring option traders.
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"A must-read for individuals who are serious about trading options."
-James Bittman
Author, Trading Options as a Professional
"Dan's book is a primer for options aficionados. Without bogging you down with superheavy math, he walks you through the key principles and shows you what matters the most to your trading portfolio."
-Fari Hamzei
Founder Hamzei Analytics, LLC